
Text: Koko, Soko, Asoko, Doko

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Literature Text

ここ、 そこ、 あそこ、 どこ
koko, soko, asoko, doko

Try not to confuse this group with the other two 'ko, so, a, do' groups. These words are used for places. They do, however, follow the same pattern as the other two as seen below:

ここ (koko) means 'here' and is used for places near the speaker.

Gakkou wa koko desu.
The school is here.

そこ (soko) means 'there' and is used for places near the recipient.

Ginkou wa soko desu.
The bank is there.

あそこ (asoko) means 'over there' and is used for places far from both the speaker and the recipient.

Otera wa asoko desu.
The temple is over there.

どこ (doko) means 'where' and has no restrictions in regards to distance.

Honya wa doko desu ka.
Where is the book store?

Here is a conversation example:

Sumimasen, hoteru wa doko desu ka.
Excuse me, where is the hotel?

(Hoteru wa) asoko desu.
(The hotel) is over there.

Arigatou gozaimasu.
Thank you very much.

You're welcome.
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xXxOfMiceAndMenxXx's avatar
Doesn't (いいえ。) Mean no? Like as in (No, I don't want that.)